While broadcasts continue from the current station building – impacting lives across Tonga – work is about to start on the new building, based around two 40ft shipping containers.
The first container arrived on-site in September, and the second container – loaded with 1.8kms of timber, insulation panels, wall-board, office/studio furniture, computer systems and broadcast equipment – finally arrived at Nuku-alofa wharf on 20 December and is now also on-site.

We’re so grateful for the generous support of almost $50,000 over the past two years that has helped bring us to this stage.
We are now inviting you to consider partnering with us again to help cover the local building costs, including the conversion and fitting out of the two containers and the construction of a secure, covered area between them.
Your donation, of any amount, will help pay for a local builder with container experience and additional building material and hardware which can be sourced locally.