With Cyclone Harold heading towards Tonga as a Category 5 storm, Willy and the radio hosts at TCRFM were already on day 19 of 40 days Prayer and Fasting for the Kingdom, and for nations affected by Covid-19. We praise God that while the storm blew over the islands, causing some flooding and damge to buildings to the west of Tongatapu – the main island – there was relatively little damage elsewehere.
Willy reported:
Thank you for the prayers … few damage at the Station but not very bad … Moses my young brother was there the whole night … the storm has pass … but we can still feel some strong winds … the tarp was half damage … I’m just waiting for the rain to stop and the wind to grow weaker … all power is out … the radio is off air now … [the generator] was working but ran out of petrol … all petrol station is off …

The large, heavy-duty tarp was spread over the roof after Cyclone Gita to add protection, and thankfully there is a spare tarp to replace it.
The radio station is now back on air under generator power, since the petrol station has re-opened, but power is still out across much of Tongatapu.